Do Not Do These 2 “Resume Green Flags” per Former Google Exec
- On December 29, 2024
Let me save you from following the advice of a former Google exec who said to do these two resume green flags to “make you look like an absolute superstar.” (The exec giving the advice was in media operations at Google, which is a very different field from law.) Her advice?
- Have one-line bullets because they show “intentionality.”Doesn’t work for lawyers. We should have multiple areas of expertise which are each a bullet, and then in the bullet, or as a sub-bullet, list metrics and details to show our depth. If we just listed a bullet like “Drafted and negotiated commercial agreements” without also listing types of deals, groups counseled, sizes of deals, countries or areas of law covered, then the bullet is not helpful for a prospective employer to evaluate your breadth and depth of a skill.
- Add a quirk as a differentiator, e.g., in the passions section to show love of baking and performance or hobbies. This is ok only if you have space, and I’m not sure your hobby as a differentiator is that helpful unless you have been an Olympic athlete or a world-class chess champion(to show your grit and competitiveness etc.).
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