3 Things Squarely Within Your Control in a Job Search!
- On October 28, 2018
By the time you are applying for a job, so much is out of your control: how the economy is doing, when and where you graduated from law school, and what you’ve done to date. But here are 3 things you can and should control!
- Your resume. It should be 1-2 pages and easy to skim. Highlight experience relevant to the job you are applying to, and include concrete details.
- Your LinkedIn profile. It must feature a good picture and include basic information like where you worked, what area of law you practice, and where you went to school. It should also dovetail your resume. Since you control your LinkedIn profile, go ahead and get some good recommendations highlighting relevant skills.
- Your interviewing. Show respect to everyone at the company — be punctual, and be kind to the receptionist. Expect obvious questions (tell me about yourself, what skills do you offer, why are you interested in us). Prepare clear answers with interesting examples, and stay under 90 seconds. Show you have researched the job and you are motivated to join. Have some good questions ready to go.
You’d be surprised how often Type A lawyers have messed up these 3 basic things!
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