Top 4 Things to Do Before a Conference!
- On October 30, 2017
If you are bothering to take time to attend a conference or mixer, get the most out of it with these 4 easy tips. (And for those of you attending the NAPABA conference in DC this week, find me on Friday!)
- Before you attend, research attendees so you come ready to make effortless conversation and connections. Identify people you want to meet (e.g., you respect their work, industry, company, reputation, etc.), look them up online/in conference materials, and attend their events. Introduce yourself when you meet in person!
- Use social media. Almost all lawyers are on LinkedIn, and many on Facebook and Twitter. Look for references to the event (e.g., #NAPABA17), and you can start conversations online by asking who else is attending the X talk or by following the messages of people you’d like to meet.
- Update your social media presence. Make sure your LinkedIn profile has a recent picture and accurately describes what you do to make it easy on people who want to connect with you.
- Come with helpful info to share. After you give a talk or meet people, offer to send a link to a resource, whether it’s your own article or related resources.
For more tips, this article is a helpful resource:
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