Advanced Search Techniques
- On January 31, 2016
You’ve polished your resume, scoured the web, and applied online or through friends without success. Now what? Here are some advanced search tips:
- Monitor movement of people in your industry. Scan LinkedIn and legal/business publications for who is moving where. You could network with people you know, spot trends, and get ideas (e.g., of who else to follow, what related industries there are, etc.).
- Research VC funding. If you’re interested in private companies, I would look at the (free) San Jose Mercury News venture capital quarterly report, which tracks funding by sector.
- Follow target companies. See how they are growing, where they are moving into, and what milestones they are hitting. That way you are knowledgeable when approaching the company or talking to someone there. You can keep in touch in an organic way. e.g., sending congratulations rather than asking if you are still being considered in the interview process.
- Befriend gatekeepers (who protect top leaders’ time) and connecters (who have contacts in numerous different circles). Get to know them, think about what they need, and show them kindness. They may be willing to help you later.
- Invite people to coffee. You should already know what kind of job you want. Research people in the space and ask them to coffee. Do NOT simply ask if they can help you (why would they want to?). Instead, show you have done your homework and are impressed with them, and ask for advice over coffee. Offer to pay, take lots of notes, try to help them, and give updates on your success so that you are not a leech.
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